Thursday, September 20, 2007

When to go to Delhi

When to go to Delhi

The finest weather to travel in north India is from October to March, with daytime temperature between 21 and 30°C (70-86°F). This season also coincides with an abundance of festivals and cultural events, especially from October to December. December and January are decidedly chilly with night time lows of 39 degree F (4 degree C).

Though the nights are very cold, the days are crisp and sunny, though sometimes the city air can get smoggy. Delhi has a fleeting, but beautiful flowering splendour during the spring months of February and March when flowers are in full bloom. By the end of April, it's hot, while May and June are intolerable with mercury soaring to a high of 114 degree F (46 degrees C).

Summer in north India is harsh, dry and dusty with frequent power cuts. During the monsoon, the humidity accentuates the heat, making travelling uncomfortable. Try to avoid the rainy season, which lasts from July to September and can be very wet.

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